Friday, April 5, 2013

Packing For a Race... did I forget something?

I've got a race this weekend that's about a 4 hour drive away. Travel race? FUN! Packing for travel race? STRESS!!! Here's what I have so far

Does it look like everything I own? Well, yes, it might be. I actually lost sleep last night trying to figure out what to pack, what I might have forgotten, what I CAN'T forget, what I might want to bring but probably won't wear, what I will want to wear during the race, what I will want to wear after the race.

My style is to typically throw everything I own into a giant pile. Then I realize it won't all fit in one bag so I sift through it. Always terrified that I will forget the ONE thing I dearly want. But realistically, there are only a few things that I cannot live without. Sports bra (gals when you find one that works, non other will do), heart rate monitor, and SHOES.

Shoes. A few years ago some gals and I went to Cincinnati for a travel race. We picked up our packets, got settled in at the hotel and were going through the tons of crap they like to hand out at expos. We started harassing one of the gals about how she lets her shoes get too worn down before she gets new ones. Ha ha ha fun and games. She pulls out her shoes to show us that they aren't really that worn down. And this is what we see...
That's right, two different styles of shoe, two different BRANDS of shoe. It was hilarious! Well hilarious because it wasn't happening to me. She considered running in the two different styles of shoes, we convinced her that was a terrible idea. So, we raced back to the expo and she picked up a brand new pair of shoes. We were convinced her feet would be bloody stumps by the end of the race. But no, she loved the shoes and felt like a million bucks. If it had been me.... bloody stumps for sure.

So that's my fear. Compounded by OCD, my packing process is  real delight. I better get back to packing....

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